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Viking project Hand-in

for this project I was required to:

Create A polished range of intermediate outcomes:

This must include:

ï‚· The main character.

ï‚· 3x important supporting NPC characters.

ï‚· A main enemy.

ï‚· A collection of lower enemies. A couple of highly polished final outcomes for promotional purposes

to start with I collected various amounts of reference:

After this I decided to create arough plan of all the characters I would attempt to design :


Main character Final:

Jarl/Father thumbs and sketches:

Jarl final:

Sister/Shieldmaiden sketchs and thumbs:

Sister/shieldmaiden final:

Guard sketches/thumbs:

Gueard final:

Main villain/warlock sketches and thumbs:

Villain final:

Minor enemy 1/Troll:

Troll final:

Minor enemy 2/Goblin thumbs and sketches:

Goblin final:

Minor character 2 /Elf:

Final lineup of characters:

In conclusion I found this project to be really quite enjoyable, while I would have liked to have included more characters into the final roster /polished existing ones further(I fell ill for about a thrid of the project which inhibited me from working for a number of days) I still feel that the final result was quite satisfying.

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